Weezer’s Cuomo Remains Hospitalized After Bus Crash as Band Cancels Shows

December 6th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Coppola/FilmMagic
In a harrowing post on Weezer’s official Website, band pal Karl Koch details the tour bus accident that injured frontman Rivers Cuomo severely enough to force the cancellation of the band’s remaining December tour dates. Cuomo, who Koch reports remains hospitalized, suffered three cracked ribs, “painful internal damage” and a lower leg injury; band assistant Sarah Kim fractured a lower vertebrae and two ribs; the bus’ other passengers — Cuomo’s wife, two-year-old daughter and her nanny — and driver were not injured.

Koch writes that as RS reported earlier, the tour bus skidded on ice and careened across several lanes of traffic on I-90 in upstate New York, crashing over a guardrail and into a muddy ditch. Cuomo was alone, sleeping in the bus’ back lounge at the time of the incident, and he was trapped and unable to speak immediately after the crash due to his injuries. Emergency responders used the “jaws of life” to pry the back window of the bus off to free Cuomo, and Koch writes that he was horrified by the scene once the other buses in the convoy caught up to the accident site.

“I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of me, as Rivers lay so helpless, shivering in the center of the chaos, and meanwhile the sun was coming up and revealing an utterly beautiful light covering of snow on the surrounding trees,” Koch writes. His post includes chilling photographs of Cuomo being removed from the bus on a stretcher and the bus’ extensive damage.

See photos from the Weezer frontman’s recent RS shoot.

Kim has been released from the hospital, but Cuomo was transported to a larger hospital for observation. “He is resting about as comfortably as could be expected now, and we were relieved to hear that surgery is unlikely,”...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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